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Descargar The First Girl Child de Amy Harmon Ebooks, PDF, ePub

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The First Girl Child de Amy Harmon

Descripci贸n - Rese帽a del editor From the New York Times bestselling author comes a breathtaking fantasy of a cursed kingdom, warring clans, and unexpected salvation.Bayr of Saylok, bastard son of a powerful and jealous chieftain, is haunted by the curse once leveled by his dying mother. Bartered, abandoned, and rarely loved, she plagued the land with her words: From this day forward, there will be no daughters in Saylok.Raised among the Keepers at Temple Hill, Bayr is gifted with inhuman strength. But he’s also blessed with an all-too-human heart that beats with one purpose: to protect Alba, the first girl child born in nearly two decades and the salvation for a country at risk.Now the fate of Saylok lies with Alba and Bayr, whose bond grows deeper with every whisper of coming chaos. Charged with battling the enemies of their people, both within and without, Bayr is fueled further by the love of a girl who has defied the scourge of Saylok.What Bayr and Alba don’t know is that they each threaten the king, a greedy man who built his throne on lies, murder, and betrayal. There is only one way to defend their land from the corruption that has overtaken it. By breaking the curse, they could defeat the king…but they could also destroy themselves. Biograf铆a del autor Amy Harmon is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and New York Times bestselling author. Her books have been published in eighteen languages—truly a dream come true for a little country girl from Utah. Amy has written fourteen novels, including the USA Today bestsellers Making Faces and Running Barefoot and the Amazon #1 bestseller From Sand and Ash. She is also the author of What the Wind Knows; the New York Times bestseller A Different Blue; and The Bird and the Sword, a Goodreads Best Book of 2016 nominee. For more information, visit Amy at

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: The First Girl Child
  • Autor: Amy Harmon
  • Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficci贸n,Ficci贸n por g茅nero
  • Tama帽o del archivo: 11 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Espa帽ol
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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